September 28th, 2009

Birds As Art Bulletin #300



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Spider web, backlit, Ottawa NWR, OH
Image Copyright 2009: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 800m f/4 L IS lens with 37mm of extension and the EOS-1D MIII. ISO 800. Evaluative metering -1 stop: 1/125 sec. at f/11.

The 800 with a few extension tubes can serve as an adequate macro lens at times. If you are caught up in a web of pizza and cookies and soda you might wish to read the first item below very carefully.


Over the past decade or so, the nature photography community has lost several stellar contributors to easily preventable diseases and conditions. All of these deaths have been needless. If you are grossly overweight or enjoy a pack or two of smokes a day and are totally happy with your life, please skip down to item 2 below. After all, your health is none of my business and I can respect that. But heck, there is a good chance that your doctor is telling you that you are in great shape anyway…. Sad but true. If you have been thinking for years that you need to make some serious changes in your lifestyle, keep reading.

First, I would like to make a preliminary comment on change. Everyone says, “Change is so hard.” That is true only if you believe your own story (Byron Katie: I used to drink a 32 ounce soda with lunch and dinner. Every day. I used to eat a box of Oreos a day, that for more than 35 years. Every day. One whole box. Three rows of 12 cookies. Now I have had a total of about 7 cans of soda and zero Oreo cookies in the past 14 years. Very recently I have tightened up my diet significantly, consuming only protein and about a dozen grams of carbohydrates from some veggies and a salad each at each meal. No cookies, ice cream, cake, candy, pasta, bread, wheat, rye, rice, potatoes, potato chips, or cashew nuts. And no processed foods. Oil and vinegar on the salads. In spite of what you might think, these changes were actually very easy to make once I made up my mind.

At age 18, I weighed 264 pounds. At 40, I weighed 240. I had had high blood pressure since I was 13. Twenty years ago I was told that I had advanced coronary artery disease. I had 3-9 bouts annually of a severely irregular heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation. I was on a ton of heart meds. 14 years ago I was diagnosed with non-insulin dependent, adult-onset diabetes and had a bleeding ulcer. Today I take no heart meds, my ulcer is a thing of the past, I am off all of heart medications, my blood pressure is 120 over 70, and I have not had an a-fib in several years. My last blood work was perfect report but for the blood sugar which continues to be difficult to control as eating 666,666 Oreo cookies and about 547 Entenmanns’s French-filled Chocolate Crumb cakes over the course of 35 years took its toll on my pancreas but I am working on that too.

What gives? I met a wonderful doctor/chiropractor/nutritionist named Cliff Oliver and followed his advice. I underwent Nutri-Spec testing which enabled Cliff to prescribe supplements designed to balance three of my body’s systems. I gave up soda and milk and began to eat protein at every meal. I began exercising as much as possible. Some of the changes were rapid, some were slow in coming, but all were dramatic.

Though many of you might scoff at all chiropractors (I did at one time in my life), I would trust Cliff Oliver with my life over any ten traditional Western doctors that I know–sorry Doc… He is concerned with how your entire body functions and understands how the various organs and systems inter-react, while modern Western medicine is most often only concerned with one organ or system–drug em and cut em is the usual cure, the former usually with suppressive medicines that are harmful to us. (Suppressive medicines prevent our organs and systems from doing what they are supposed to do, supplements help them do what they are supposed to do…)

Here is the latest on my battle with diabetes. After going off the wagon for several months about two years ago (with Brach’s chocolate-covered peanut clusters), I have been attempting to normalize my blood sugars to no avail. About six weeks ago I came home from the doctor’s office with a supply of injectable insulin. I made one last call to Cliff to discuss this new course of treatment when he stated that he had spoken to a Doctor Richard K. Bernstein about my case. Dr. Bernstein suggested that I try eating only protein for three days. I did, and my blood sugars dropped about 50 points. I immediately ordered Dr. B’s book here: and have been following his program totally and completely. The changes have been amazing. The insulin is still in the refrigerator, unopened. I have scheduled 13 hours of appointments with Dr. B in mid-December. You can learn more about Dr. Bernstein here: or visit his home page here:

If you think that learning more about the changes that I have made in my life might inspire you to do the same, please e-mail me at with the words Health Basics File in the subject line. This file includes contact information for Dr. Cliff Oliver. Either way, I wish you the best.

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Ring-billed Gull, Lakeside, OH
Image Copyright 2009: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 70-200mm f/4 L IS lens with the 1.4X II TC (handheld at 215mm) with the EOS-50D. ISO 400. Evaluative metering +1/3 stop: 1/1250 sec. at f/8 Manual mode.

The 70-200/1.4X II TC/50D combination is deadly for close range flight photography. I sold a large canvas print to the management of the Lakeside community where the Symposium was held. The photo walks groups enjoyed learning to push their histograms to the right as below.

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Learn how to evaluate and adjust your histogram in “The Art of Bird Photography II (916 pages/900+ images on CD only):

(Purchase the CD book along with the original ABP in soft cover and save $10.)


I am currently editing Robert O’Toole’s next amazing Photoshop guide: Advanced Photoshop Tips and Techniques II. We will be announcing pre-publication discount details in the next Bulletin


I flew to Cleveland, OH on 16 September and back to Orlando on the following Sunday, all thanks to the generosity of the folks at Canon who supported my appearance at the Midwest Birding Symposium. I presented “Digital Photography Basics on Friday to a receptive audience of about 350 folks, most of whom had never heard of a histogram :). I conducted two photo walks. They were supposed to be limited to 15 photographers. Not. We had lots of tag-alongs; everybody learned a ton. On the morning walk we had the wind and sun together and we all made some great flight images of the Ring-billed Gulls. There were some lovely Fox Squirrels all over the Lakeside Campus but I never got a single of frame.

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Ring-billed Gull, Lakeside, OH
Image Copyright 2009: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 70-200mm f/4 L IS lens with the 1.4X II TC (handheld at 223mm) with the EOS-50D. ISO 400. Evaluative metering +1/3 stop: 1/1250 sec. at f/8 Manual mode.

I used only the central AF sensor for my gull flight photography at Lakeside and advised the group to do the same. With most flight photography make sure that your lens’s distance limit range switch is set to the far focusing range.


Great news: Todd Gustafson will be joining me as co-leader on the San Diego IPT.

San Diego IPT JAN 13-17, 2010 5 Full Days: $2395 (Limit 8/Openings: 6).

Slide program on the evening of TUE JAN 12. Deposit: $500 due immediately. You may pay your deposit with either a personal check or with a credit card and a phone call (863-692-0906). Folks who register before October 7 will have a $100 discount applied to their balance. Balances may be paid only by check and will be due on October 13, 2009. As always, this IPT will run with only a single participant.

To complete a valid registration, please fill out and complete the Registration and the Release & Assumption of Risk forms that can be found here: and Release Forms.pdf If you call with a credit card to register, please be sure to print, sign, and return the Registration and the Release & Assumption of Risk forms within ten days.

The gate at the Cave Store Cliffs has been unlocked for many, many months and my understanding is that the fence has now been removed as well. (Though I am not quite positive on the cause and effect here I do know that Scott Bourne had a show-cause order filed with regards to public access at this location.)

We will get to photograph killer breeding plumage Brown Pelicans with the red bill pouches at close range and in flight. Santee Lakes will yield close-up Wood Ducks and lots more; White Pelicans are likely there. LaJolla Shores Beach will yield Marbled Godwits in beautiful buff reflections and this spot and Coronado will give us chances on a variety of gorgeous gulls and several shorebird species as well. I selected dates that feature perfect tides for both our morning and afternoon coastal locations. And we will have extensive time for image review and Photoshop techniques.

100 Reasons to Register for the San Diego IPT You can view a gallery with my 100 favorite San Diego images here:

Click on the first image to see and then click on next to view the images as a slide show. Scroll down to see the EXIF data for each image (including those above and below). Then send your deposit check 🙂 I do hope that you can join us.

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Ring-billed Gull, Lakeside, OH
Image Copyright 2009: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 70-200mm f/4 L IS lens with the 1.4X II TC (handheld at 169mm) with the EOS-50D. ISO 400. Evaluative metering +1/3 stop: 1/1000 sec. at f/7.1 in Manual mode.

The dark markings on the tail feathers and the flesh-colored rather than yellow bill indicate that this is a Ring-billed Gull in its second year. Of the nearly 300 flight images that I created with the 50D all but a very small handful were sharp on the eye. I have not yet had a chance to try an EOS 7D….


Final dates, details, and prices:

Bear Boat IPT: Sept 4-10. 2010: $7,299. Limit 6/Openings: 2.

It is advised that you be in Anchorage on the afternoon of the September 2nd to be assured of not missing the boat!). This is the bears-catching-salmon trip. In addition, Glaucous-winged and Mew Gulls eating roe are a certainty. Stellar’s Sea Lions are very likely. Dark phase Northern Fulmars, Black-legged Kittiwakes (including the gorgeous immatures), and Harbor Seals are possible. Did I mention bears catching salmon? And more bears catching salmon? We will spend some time fishing for halibut on the higher tides. (The bears are busy catching salmon on the lower tidal stages.)

Included: Round-trip airfare from Anchorage to Kodiak. Round-trip float plane airfare from Kodiak to Katmai. All meals on the boat. Two night’s lodging in Anchorage. Guide services. In-the-field instruction. Image reviews and Photoshop tutoring.

Not included: guide and crew tip ($200 recommended). Airfare from your home-city to and from Anchorage.

Non-refundable deposit: $2000 due immediately to reserve your spot. First payment: $3,000 due February 1, 2010. Final payment: $2,299 due May 1, 2010. To complete a valid registration, please fill out and complete the Registration and the Release & Assumption of Risk forms that can be found here: and Release Forms.pdf

Deposits may be paid by check (preferred) or by credit card. Balances must be paid by personal check. Those using a credit card (phone only: 863-692-0906) to register will be advised to print, sign, and return the Registration and the Release & Assumption of Risk forms within ten days. I do hope that you can join us for the trip of a lifetime.

The four spectacular Brown Bear images below were created by first time bear-boater Ken Canning. Thanks Ken for allowing me to use your images.

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Brown Bear fishing, Katmai National Park, AK Image Copyright 2009: Ken Canning

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Brown Bear cub with momma, Katmai National Park, AK Image Copyright 2009: Ken Canning

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Brown Bear with pink salmon, Katmai National Park, AK Image Copyright 2009: Ken Canning

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Brown Bear yawning, Katmai National Park, AK Image Copyright 2009: Ken Canning



Arlington Camera ( is proud to host a Tamron Road Series Event presented by pro photographer
James Shadle. Location: 544 West Randol Mill Road, Arlington, TX 76011

Sponsored by: Tamron Lenses, Bogen Imaging, Expoimaging and Op/Tech USA

CLASSROOM SESSION: October 16 – Friday 6:30pm-9:30pm

In this fast paced 3-hour seminar, centered on taking better images, your instructor will present a variety of
techniques that cover exposure, lighting, composition and more. He will use his stunning images as a starting point for discussion. Equipment selection and post-production methods will also be discussed.

IN-THE-FIELD SESSION: October 17 – Saturday Six-Hour Instruction

Meet your instructor at the Fossil Rim Animal Preserve( Spend the day exploring the grounds, photographing African species in natural surroundings. All while James demonstrates techniques for capturing great nature, wildlife images, & more. A continental breakfast and deli-style lunch will be served. Admission is included.

CLOSING SESSION: October 17 – Saturday Wrap-Up

The wrap-up portion of the workshop will be held back at Arlington Camera. Wrap-up will consist of reviewing the day’s activities, follow-up Q & A, & more.

What’s included:

  • Welcome Bag
  • Classroom Seminar
  • In-the-Field Workshop
  • Admission*
  • Transportation*
  • Loaner equipment
  • $20 Store Card
  • Refreshments & Meals
  • Exclusive Tamron, Bogen, & Expodisc Offers and Rebates
  • Door Prizes

All for only $179 per person. Don’t miss a great workshop; only a few spots left. Register here:


Everglades Workshop, January 22 to 25, 2010.

Florida Surf and Turf, March 5-7, 2010: Fort DeSoto and the Hooptie Deux.

Please E-mail for complete information on the above trips.


Flight School Photography Goes To Bosque/Workshop-1, November 10, 2009 thru November 12, 2009: $900. 2 openings.

Flight School Photography Goes to Bosque Workshop -2: November 14, 2009 thru November 16, 2009; $900. Sold out.

Contact Info: You may contact Jim Neiger of Flight School Photography via phone or email: Cell phone: 407-247-5200. Email: Flight School website:


HUNGARY with Robert O’Toole

This central European country is mainly know as one of the top 15 tourist destinations in the world but it also offers some of the most amazing bird photography opportunities on the planet. This summer I spent 7 days photographing birds and I was so impressed that I immediately made plans to return. Next summer I will be leading 2 small workshop groups there during the very best time of the year. One of our primary targets will be the European Bee-eater. This gorgeous bird feeds and roosts communally making it a bird photographers dream. We will be photographing courting, mating, and birds in flight from blinds close to a nesting colony; long lenses from 300 to 600mm can be used. The timing of the workshop dates will also mean excellent opportunities for nesting European Rollers and Kestrels, perching, displaying, feeding and flying. We will also be spending time photographing many other bird species including shorebirds and wading birds such as the Eurasian Spoonbill.

Hungary Bird Photography workshop 1, April 24-1, 2010 7 Days: $3899. Limit 4: New.

Hungary Bird Photography workshop 1, May 1-8, 2010 7 Days: $3899. Limit 4: 2 spots available.

Hungary Bird Photography workshop 2, May 8-15, 2010 7 Days: $3899. Limit 4: 1 spot available.

Bosque del Apache NWR and White Sands NM Photography Workshops with Robert O’Toole

Bosque Photography Workshop #1: December 4-6, 2009 Bosque Del Apache New Mexico 3 Days, $999, limit 6. 3 openings.
Bosque Photography Workshop #2: December 7-9, 2009 Bosque Del Apache New Mexico 3 Days, $999, limit 6. Sold out.

With 5 years of experience leading workshops at Bosque I can make sure that you maximize your opportunities in the field by putting you in the right place at the right time. Some of the topics we will cover; flight photography, maximizing sharpness, how to minimize digital noise, lighting, creative imaging, equipment set up, in the field long lens techniques and more. The small group size will allow for plenty of personal attention with 1 on 1 guidance including in the field lectures and demonstrations. I have years of experience with both Nikon and Canon to help you refine and develop your photographic skills and vision . Workshops include one classroom session daily.

White Sands Photography Workshop 1: December 10-11, 2009 White Sands NM, New Mexico 2 Days, $599, limit 6 Sold out.
White Sands Photography Workshop 2: December 12-13, 2009 White Sands NM, New Mexico 2 Days, $599, limit 6, 2 spots available.

This year I will be leading two special landscape workshops at White Sands NM. We will be entering the park early and leaving later with special permission so that we will enjoy the best light while maximizing the photographic opportunities. The small workshop group size will allow plenty of one on one guidance. I will help you refine and develop your photographic vision with in-the-field lectures, demonstrations, and personal attention. Workshops include one classroom session daily.



Guango, Ecuador, NOV 7-13, 2009. (SOLD OUT). 3 FULL and 2 HALF-DAYS of photography: $3,000. Non-photographer spouse or friend: $1,000.

Guango, Ecuador, NOV 13-19, 2009. (Limit 6: openings: 2). 3 FULL and 2 HALF-DAYS of photography: $3,000. Non-photographer spouse or friend: $1,000.

Guango, Ecuador, JAN 10-16, 2010. (Limit 6: openings 1). 3 FULL and 2 HALF-DAYS of photography: $3,000. Non-photographer spouse or friend: $1,000.

Guango, Ecuador, JAN 16-21, 2010. (SOLD OUT) 3 FULL and 2 HALF-DAYS of photography: $3,000. Non-photographer spouse or friend: $1,000.

Tandayapa, Ecuador, Extension JAN 22-26, 2010. (Limit 6: SOLD OUT): 3 FULL and 1 HALF-DAY of photography: $1,600.

All of the amazingly beautiful and technically perfect images below were created by participants on the Panama Combo Tour that I co-led with Linda and Rich Garrett. Only one of them had ever photographed at a high speed flash set-up before. When we asked him to compare his experience with Linda’s set-ups to his previous workshop experience, he laughed and said, “No comparison.” The beauty of Linda’s workshops is that all you need to do is show up with your gear and lots of flash cards; great images are guaranteed. Linda will likely be running a return combo trip to Panama in 2010. If you are interested, please e-mail her at Better yet, grab one of the three remaining spots above.

Note: all of the images below except for the ones by Bob Lewis and Peter H. were created by multiple IPT veterans. 🙂

Many of the images below will be included in the next free update to Linda’s Guide to Multiple High Speed Flash Hummingbird Photography:

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Great news: I just learned that this image will be one of eighteen honored images in this year’s National Wildlife Federation’s contest. More great news: I just learned that this image is in the finals of the Nature’s Best contest.

BIRDS AS ART proudly announces the limited sale of another classic Arthur Morris image, “Gannets in Love.”

This endearing image was created at Bonaventure Island, Perce, Quebec, Canada. The thick gallery wrap (1 ½ inches) canvas is hand-made in the US under the supervision of the artist and is available only through BIRDS AS ART.

This is the second in a series of Arthur Morris’ digitally signed, numbered, limited edition gallery-wrapped canvas prints. The canvas is stretched over custom-made wood supports. The canvas has no frame and appears to float on the wall. There’s no need for a frame for stability since the structure is inside the art. These fine canvas limited edition prints are covered with a rear black dust cover. The hanging wire is neatly attached and a courtesy package with two clear bump-ons, a nickel plated hanger and nail are included.

This edition will be limited to 100 pieces of any size. Once the final print is sold the edition will be permanently closed making each Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART print a valuable collectible. Each 16 x 24 inch print is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.

The first fifty prints will sell for only $349 plus $20 shipping and handling to all US addresses. Once 50 prints are sold, the price will rise to $424. The last five prints will sell for $499. (Please e-mail for prices on other sizes and for framing options.)

Prints ordered before September 30, 2009 may apply a $50 discount. These prints are in stock and ready to ship now.

Shipping and handling to Canada will require an additional $35 handling fee. (Canadian orders may be subject to Customs delays and duties and require payment via personal check or money order in US funds.)

Each image will be professionally packed to avoid damage during transit. All fees are due and payable in advance in US funds. (We cannot be responsible for delays at customs.)

Payment may be by check or money order mailed to Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART PO Box 7245, Indian Lake Estates, FL 33855, by Paypal to, or by credit card. Please call 863-692-0906 for credit card orders.

We offer a 100% money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied we will gladly accept a return for exchange or refund provided that the item is returned within seven days of receipt and is in saleable condition. We refund only the purchase price plus the shipping and handling. Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. This guarantee does not include prints that you damage or that are damaged in shipping. If your print is damaged in shipping, please let us know and we will arrange to have a replacement sent. Please allow 14 days for your check to clear.

We are 100% positive that ”Gannets in Love” will join “Fire in the Mist” and become a treasured collector’s item; thank you for your support of my work.

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Canon EF100MM F/2.8 USM macro lens in mint condition. In the original box with both end caps, lens hood and soft pouch. As of 9/25/09 this lens is back-ordered at B & H and sells for $640.00 plus the lens hood for $40.00 for a total of $680.00. Will sell for $550.00 plus shipping. Contact Fred Samples, Nokomis, FL: or 941-488-1716.


Do you have some gear to sell? Write for our Items for Sale guidelines. Why pay 20% elsewhere when you can sell your stuff quickly via the Bulletin for just a 5% brokerage fee?

Note: all of the items listed in Bulletin #298 sold almost instantly.


Here is an e-mail from Richard Goldman who will be attending one of Linda’s January hummingbird tours:

Hi Artie, After reading your recent bulletin, I read the thread on BPN regarding your bear trip and saw the photo of the close encounter. I must say that I don’t really understand all the hostility and criticism. Up until a few years ago I went to Alaska fly fishing every season for about 25 years. I remember walking down the middle of the upper part of the Brooks River while fishing with bears virtually everywhere. Bears are part of the landscape and are in close proximity to people all the time when the salmon are in the river that you are fishing. While I was nervous the first time or two when a big carnivore sauntered by, in subsequent years I relaxed and reveled in the appearance of these wonderful animals. Learning proper bear etiquette is simple enough and I never felt threatened. Clearly you have an experienced and excellent guide. Those that haven’t been there are always the first to criticize and I feel that many of the comments directed towards you were simply wrong and unwarranted (and hostile). The most dangerous thing that most of us do each day is to get into our vehicles. It certainly isn’t from being out in the natural world. The opportunity to observe these animals at close range is a wonderful gift. Someday I’ll do the bear trip with you. Cheers, Richard Goldman

And this from Gerald Kelberg of the UK who was in Katmai last spring with Robert O’Toole:

Hi Artie, After receiving your Bulletin today, I read the BPN thread on the above in amazement. I didn’t know about it was on when it was happening and wanted to add my tuppence worth. I can’t help but agree that someone needs to have been there to know what it is like. Sadly many of the more vociferous people were the ones commenting from a theoretical point of view – never having been there. One thing that didn’t come through is the excellent judgment that Chuck has in understanding and dealing with the bears – he spends all summer with these bears, year on year. He knows them, understands them, and respects them. When we were with him he was conscious not only of the bears but of the people, too. He knew how the bears would react and how the people would react and he has a calm quiet way of shepherding them both. You and I know that! (BTW. It was nice to see your photo of Chuck, too. Folks who haven’t been there simply don’t know what it is like. I couldn’t never agree with the idea of buying a “completely safe” experience – I was buying an adventure! I knew there were some risks associated with the trip; but that my actions and those of the others would mitigate the risks. **** – what sort of life can you lead if it’s always safe! I caught pellets from an idiot shooting ducks at a local pond – but I still go back there! It’s safer in Katmai! That’s all you get for tuppence these days. You probably feel like just getting out and concentrating on some beautiful images now instead of all this grief! Warmest best wishes, Gerald


BOSQUE del APACHE 2009 IPT: “The Complete Bosque Experience.” NOV 21-27, 2009.

Slide program on the evening of Friday, NOV 20. 7-FULL DAYS: $3199. (Non-refundable deposit: $500; see details below.) Limit: 10/Openings: 1. Co-leaders: Scott Bourne and Robert O’Toole. Live, eat, and breathe photography with one of (if not the) world’s premier photographic educators at one of his very favorite locations on the planet. Plus two great co-leaders and lots of Photoshop instruction.


Slide program on the evening of FEB 9. Slide program on the evening of FEB 11. 6-FULL DAYS: $2799. (Non-refundable deposit: $500.) Limit: 10/Openings: 3. Co-leaders: Tim Grey and Alfred and Fabiola Forns.

Imagine having Photoshop guru Tim Grey at your side to answer your Photoshop questions for 6 full days! Escape winter’s icy grip and join me in Florida in the land of ridiculously tame birds. This IPT will visit Little Estero Lagoon which has been fantastic for the past three years (and been getting better each year), the Venice Rookery, several killer Burrowing Owl nests on Cape Coral, and several spots on Sanibel including Blind Pass, the Sanibel Fishing Pier, and the East Gulf beaches (for Snowy Plover). If we have a foggy drizzly morning we may visit Corkscrew Swamp and Sanctuary. We have arranged for morning low tides at Little Estero and a setting full moon for our Saturday visit to the Venice Rookery For the first time ever, we will not be visiting Ding Darling NWR as photographic opportunities there have been diminishing steadily for the past decade. As you can see, I am teaching less and less, taking fewer folks, and lengthening the IPTs to allow for a slightly more relaxed pace with repeat visits to the best locations.

A non-refundable deposit of $500 is required to hold a spot for each of the above IPTs. Deposits may be paid by check, Paypal, or credit card. Payment in full (by check or money order) is due four months before the start of each trip and is non-refundable unless the IPT sells out. You will be required to sign a statement of understanding to this effect. Travel insurance is of course highly recommended. Travel Insurance Services offers a variety of plans and options. Included with the Elite Option or available as an upgrade to the Basic & Plus Options, you can also purchase Cancel for Any Reason Coverage, which expands the list of reasons for your canceling to an infinite list, from a sudden work or family obligation to a simple change of mind. My family and I use and depend on the great policies offered by TIS whenever we travel. You can learn more here: Travel Insurance Services. We regret that we must implement this new policy but we have recently been plagued by last minute cancellations that make it impossible for others to participate and deprive us of essential income.

Comments are closed.