Thank you for the wonderful, rewarding experience that was the SW FLA IPT. My admiration for your skills, photographic and instructive, and your very nice personality grows by leaps and bounds. And Ellen was a huge addition. Confession: I thought young Robert was pretty much a “go-fer until I saw some of his photographs. WOW! And the elder Robert ain’t no slouch either! By the way, maybe you didn’t do it just for me, but I really appreciate your making it relatively painless for me to get to the tidal pools at Estero Lagoon. That was a highlight of the workshop for me. I loved it. Very Best, Neil
At present, I am unsure of the dates (or even the existence) of a SW FLA IPT next February. Keep your eye on future Bulletins for the announcement.
You can learn more about Wendy Shattil & her partner Bob Rozinski here:, or check out their latest book here: Valley of the Dunes.
From Joe Jaroz via e-mail:
Hi Art, I received the CD for ABP II and all that I can say is that it is incredible. There is so much information in ABP II that it will take a while to digest it all. It's more than a book on making creative pictures of birds, it's a reference standard. Incredible! Thanks again for a great book; I've learned a lot already! Joe
From Brian Powell via e-mail:
Hi Art, I'm enjoying the pre-release "The Art of Bird Photography II" that I bought at NANPA. Thank you so much for putting it together. I also wanted to say that reading it on the computer line is much easier than I expected it to be. I normally prefer hardcopy books and magazines, but your PDF book is very readable. Thanks again, Brian
Some folks continue to be mystified by the "deal" that we have offered to those purchasing a pre-production copy of The Art of Bird Photography II (ABP II on CD only). I will attempt once again to clear things up here:
The cost of the manufactured book (it should be available no later than May 1, 2006) replete with fancy CD cover will be $60 plus a buck postage. (I will be adding approximately 20 pages to the currently available pre-publication version.) You can order a pre-publication copy of ABP II right now for $30 plus a buck shipping by calling us at 863-692-0906 between 8am and 9pm Eastern Time with your credit card information, by sending a Paypal for $31.00 to us at, or by sending a check for $31.00 made out to "Arthur Morris" to PO 7245, Indian Lake Estates, FL 33855. When the new book is available, you will be notified via e-mail and have the option to purchase one with a $20 discount. If you take advantage of this offer you will be getting the book two months in advance for a mere $10. Now let's review. The final manufactured CD will cost $60 (plus a buck shipping). The pre-publication CD, is available now for $30 plus $1.00 shipping. If you purchase the pre-publication CD now, you have two options:
#1: You can copy the CD to your hard drive and enjoy it as is for years to come. This will have cost you $30.
#2: You can opt to purchase the final version of the book when it becomes available this spring. The final version will cost $60, but since you purchased the pre-production version you may apply your $20 discount, so the book will cost you only $40 (rather than $60). Those who purchase the pre-publication version will wind up paying $70 for the final version, but they will have access to the information 7-8 weeks before the final version is released. Thus they will be getting the book 7-8-weeks early "for a mere $10.00."
I cannot make it any clearer than that... Folks who do choose to purchase the final version will enjoy the 20 pages of additional information that will of course include many brand new images. The final version will also include a foreword written by John Shaw and an elegant CD cover quote from Jim Brandenburg.
As many of you know, the book will be an all-new continuation of "The Art of Bird Photography; The Complete Guide to Professional Field Techniques." One chapter covers all aspects of Digital Photography and includes a section on understanding histograms. It also includes our complete digital workflow along with tons of great Photoshop tips. Other chapters will include "Equipment; What's New?," "Advanced Composition and Image Design," "It Ain't Just Birds," "Exposure and Flash Simplified," and "Advanced Sharpness Techniques & Creating Pleasing Blurs." The "Practicalities" chapter will include a detailed section on setting up your backyard for bird photography as well as sections on photographing on safari and on the tundra. Each image in the book will include all technical info as well as our legendary educational captions. Most chapters will include one or more galleries designed to illustrate and reinforce the principles covered in the text.
As predicted, we are effectively sold out of our first allotment of BLUBBs. John Stanford, who sews each bag individually, will be in Australia until approximately April 1. We expect that he will resume production immediately upon his return. We should be getting our next shipment of BLUBBs in mid-April. As with the V-2 Wimberley heads, we will be taking orders for BLUBBs by phone (863-692-0906). We will not bill your credit card until your BLUBB is shipped. Orders will of course be filled on a first come, first served basis.
BLUBBS are $100 (shipped empty, no beans included) plus $6 shipping and handling (US Priority mail/signature required). If you would like additional BLUBB information and photos please e-mail us at and request same.
7, 2006. We have an opening for either a single female or for
two folks traveling together. Please e-mail for
details if you would like to join us.
Bosque #1: "The Fall Color IPT" NOV 14-16, 2006. Slide Program on the evening of NOV 13. 3-DAY: $929. (Limit 14, Openings: 10) Co-leader Ellen Anon. This IPT should feature a better chance for a day or two of the rare south winds that drastically improve flight photography and will definitely feature the brightest fall-color cottonwoods.
Bosque #2: "The Pre-Thanksgiving IPT" NOV 19-21, 2006. Slide Program on the evening of NOV 18. 3-DAY: $929. (Limit 14, Openings: 9) Co-leader Ellen Anon. This and the next IPT have sold out for the past eight years. In 2006 I may once again be hosting a Thanksgiving day luncheon buffet. If it goes, folks will need to reserve a spot and pay in advance. Details TBA. Dinner will be strictly limited to 50 folks. This IPT will feature increasing numbers of geese and cranes with lots of great opportunities.
Bosque #3: "The Post-Thanksgiving IPT" NOV 25-27, 2006. Slide Program on the evening of NOV 24. 3-DAY: $929. (Limit 14 Openings: 11) Co-leader Ellen Anon. This IPT has sold out for the past eight years as it is scheduled on dates that I consider peak for Bosque.
Seminar: DEC 2-3, 2006. BIRDS AS ART "The Art of Nature Photography; It Ain't Just Birds!" How-To Weekend Seminar in Albuquerque, NM. Details TBA. Folks wishing to combine an IPT with the Seminar should sign up for either Bosque #3 (above) or Bosque #4 (below). Details TBA.
Bosque #4: "The Full Moon IPT" DEC 4 (mid-day) through DEC 7 (mid day), 2006. 3-DAY: $929. (Limit 14 Openings: 12) Slide Program mid-day on DEC 4. Co-leader TBA. This IPT includes a half day of photography on the 4th, two full days of photography on the 5th and 6th, and a final half day on December 7th. Limit 14. This IPT has been scheduled to maximize the opportunities to include the rising and setting full (DEC 5) and near-full moon in your images. There will be lots of the usual chances as well, and this time period has provided more than its share of spectacular sunrises and sunsets over the years.
Amazingly, we already have 17 folks registered for Bosque 2006.
To register for any of the IPTs above, you can send a $200 deposit check made out to "Arthur Morris" to us at: BIRDS AS ART, 4041 Granada Drive, Indian Lake Estates, FL 33855, send us a Paypal (use any Paypal link on our web site), or call 863-692-0906 with your credit card info. Balances due can be paid only by personal check or money order.
April 28-30, 2006. Join Carolyn E. Wright for this women-only workshop at St.Augustine's famed Alligator Farm. Photograph Florida's wading birds up close and personal. Carolyn has arranged for private sessions with Alligator Farm naturalists to photograph special subjects that you cannot photograph on your own. This is one of the only workshops of its kind. Click here for more info: